Thread: Elohim
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Old 16-12-2019, 08:08 AM
NoOne NoOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Legrand
My father once told me, you know Antoine, you don’t need to carry the flag.

I also like how Fulcalini ends his book “Le Mystère des Cathédrales” (a very encrypted book that may seem just a tourist book explaining the sculptures on the Cathedrals) by explaining those four words: to Know, to Will, to Dare, and to Keep Silence.

I believe the time to keep silent, because of prosecution from institutions, is fading away. But it may still be a few hundred years. Experience will tell you.

Well, there is no persecution as such, but mistrust and disbelief there is aplenty.

Yes He is there.


When the Goddess first came to me, some twenty years ago, in the form of Lalita, Tripura Sundari. She first appeared in her body form as the Sri Yantra (The avatar Shivani uses on this Forum). After a while I could see her as a young woman, and we could talk to each other. After another while this form of contact changed again. She is now behind every life form, under each rock. As if words where not necessary to communicate. The contact is direct.

The same process seems to occur with the Goddess in the form of Inanna.


That sounds awesome. I knew relatively little about that form of the Goddess, but I certainly like what I've read so far.
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