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Old 22-02-2017, 10:18 AM
MARDAV70 MARDAV70 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 378
Thanks for sharing your fascinating story, gentleheart. I had my NDE at the age of 58. I'm now 68 and haven't really done anything as far as an important task...except maybe in sharing my experience having contributed to a few people mourning a lost loved one in understanding that our consciousness goes on after death and there's nothing to fear. Maybe that's what my intended task is...but I've had far more failures than successes...and those successes are 5 and more years past. Other than that, I couldn't possibly imagine what great task might be ahead for me, taking into account that I'm retired, socialize with the same people all the time doing the same a rather uneventful life. But...who knows? Maybe there's more in store for me.
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