Thread: cooling foods ?
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Old 09-04-2015, 07:52 AM
Prasant K
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Adrienne
ahhhh choo ! bless me, lol ! this thread was covered in dust, found in the archives ...........

thanks for the info but dosha, Pitta, Vata and Kapha are Greek to me ......

Karehealth sounds like a website, do you have one ?

Hi Adrienne, Yes we do have a website. Sorry I wasn't very clear in my previous answer. I hope the following explains my answer better :)
In Ayurveda, three elemental substances are defined. These are called the Doshas. The three doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Vata is controls bodily functions related to motion such as blood circulation, breathing and heartbeat. Pitta controls your metabolic systems which includes digestion which in turn includes how well your body absorbs nutrition from food. Kapha controls growth in the body and immune system.
According to Ayurvedic theory, balance of the doshas results in health while imbalance leads results in disease. All Ayurvedic treatments and therapies are prescribed according to doshas. The same goes for ayurvedic diet. The heating or cooling effect of the food on the doshas is considered. You can either be classified as a single dosha or combination of doshas.
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