Thread: pets afterlife
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Old 04-11-2010, 06:16 PM
Cherub T
Posts: n/a
There is a lot of things swirling around my head. If an animal or human reincarnates and becomes another personality. I'm wondering how they can communicate to you or a medium? Do they come as whatever fits and who they were to you in that life?

I was also thinking if my dad has came back as someone else, (he's been passed 10 years) then does this mean his soul can still communicate to me even though he is reincarnated?? I'm just trying to understand more. Perhaps snoopys time to go is learning me things, as hard as it is. I 'm just wondering why??? and why at this time??

Sorry to hear about all your losses too, it isn't easy by all means. Some people can cope more than others.

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