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Old 12-02-2017, 11:35 AM
olhosdeamendoa olhosdeamendoa is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 296
Originally Posted by Baile
Read Goethe's "Until One Is Committed..." wisdom. He states that will and action is the key. One acts, which then sets providence in motion. If you know what you want, take the step now. No need to wait to "align with your truth," which is an abstract spiritual concept at best. Unless you mean "I haven't figured out what I'm interested in doing," in which case yes, you do need to have a clear idea first, before taking that step.

If you plan to help others in a spiritual setting, it's good to begin by learning to discriminate in a way that brings clarity to your own efforts, which you can then teach to others. Because people these days are mostly suffering from being lost in life, and are really just looking for solid, practical advice and clear direction. Unless of course it's Reiki/massage energy/body work, which is different of course.

I think that what you're saying about providing "solid, practical advice and clear direction" is more in the lines of a life coach. What I feel like doing is more spiritual coaching, which is much deeper than that.

Because I believe that when you provide advice like that to someone, you're taking the power away from them. And even a person who is depressed or lost in life is very powerful, they're just disconnected from their inner power.

So what I would like to do is provide guidance on how to connect with that inner power and find themselves. By asking questions (helping with Reiki healing too), etc, but making them finding their own advice and answers. So in another words, be the light that brings their healing to the surface.

I've done that before with a few people and without giving any advice but only by opening them to themselves. I think NLP techniques are also great on that.

I don't know, maybe that's what I should become, a spiritual coach.
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