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Old 10-05-2019, 01:30 PM
zorkchop zorkchop is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,025
Siemens . . .

The entire design of the “Path” is to lead Soul Itself to recognize, realize, and begin to live beyond the compelling facets of living within the psychic worlds of duality. It is a take-off of the old saying . . . “to finally determine what one is, you must first discover what one is NOT.” ( I’m paraphrasing here. )

So . . . through eons of lifetimes . . . Soul finally begins to suspect . . . then test . . . then determine . . . and then live beyond the facets of the body, emotions, and mind . . . thus giving true freedom.

But while engaged in a lifetime here in the physical world . . . one cannot totally set it all aside and live ONLY within the realm of Soul . . . in other worlds . . . to totally withdraw from the psychic worlds while here IN the psychic worlds.

So . . . another juggling act begins.

This entire scenario of “the Path” has not been established to torture Soul into these realizations . . . but because it works. Since Soul is eternal . . . Soul Itself is eternal . . . then it makes no difference if it takes two eons or twenty eons to figure it out.

In the discovery of this . . . one slowly perceives that it is not so much a “happiness” or a “bliss.” It is more the “relief of true freedom.”

And then yes . . . to begin to lead a major facet of ones life within the true realms of Soul . . . to live within Divine Love . . . always.
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