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Old 28-12-2010, 03:30 AM
Posts: n/a
Well I don't really have an amazing story, but this one I still remember with gratefulness. A long time ago, I was wasted, and drunk to the point i was near death, and in pain, somehow i became lost in the middle of a forest, and I couldn't even walk, and i was about to die of alcohol poisoning. I then dragged myself upon a bunch of horrible people who refused to help me. I had a bad history of being allergic and addicted to alcohol, and every time i drank, i had to be shipped off by ambulance and had experiences that sent me close to death, and even then the effects of intoxication would stay with me for literally days. So I knew i was going to die out there, and nobody really cared.
I asked for help in my mind, from any higher power, though i did not have faith back then. I wasn't expecting anything.
I could barely see anything because I was practically blind. But suddenly, I looked up to the sky, and through the trees, I saw an eagle. The clearest image of an eagle soaring by.

Miraculously, even though i couldn't move, or see, my legs stumbled through the forest after seeing the eagle, my hands collected a whole bunch of debris and wood, and in my state, i was able to light a fire somehow. It was like my body was moving on its own. But the most amazing thing about this experience, was that right after the fire was lit, BAM i was COMPLETELY sober, and i was no longer near death, i was able to find my way out of the forest, and go home. To this day i still think the eagle helped me to light the fire that saved my life.
It may not sound that amazing, but considering my history with alcohol poisoning, it was a miracle to me that my life was saved that day. The remembrance of this event helped me conquer my addiction.
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