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Old 06-03-2018, 11:00 PM
HereAndNow HereAndNow is offline
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Hi youngnostic,
Just out of curiosity I quickly counted how many times you used the word "I" (or my") in your post. I got 44 times.
So who is this "I" you are so much talking about?
And is it the same as ego, or different?
Or is it non-existent ... but you just refer to it 44 times.
OK, I'm not trying to claim or assert anything.
Of course you don't have an "ego", nor "I"
No-one has.
That's the basic assumption of Buddhism for example.
But sometimes we still identify.
Even if we rationally know that there is no "I".
Our non-existent "I" identifies itself with some imaginary "I".
Otherwise how can you talk about your "I" so much ... there is no "I" ... you (as "I" or as "ego") don't exist ... hence you don't act, think or do anything. Just the elements play in emptiness, as Buddhists could say ... or just Shiva plays magic tricks with itself, as Shiva believers could say.
Om Shanti.
And good luck with your explorations!
"We don't become That. We are That." Gurudeva
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