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Old 06-01-2019, 04:50 PM
Untersberg56 Untersberg56 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 165
Nostradamus "Failed" Prophecy 10:72

The famous "failed prophecy of Nostradamus" is his quatrain 10:72
which in the original French reads:

"l'an 1999 sept mois
Du ciel viendra un grand roi
Resuscite le grand Roy d'Angolmois"

Apparently, he was not referring to the year 1999 but to an asteroid 800 metres in diameter coming our way which on 7 August 2027 (7th of the month) will pass at least within a moon's distance of the Earth, although an important Australian astronomer has raised the alarm that according to his calculations it may collide with Earth.

If Nostradamus in 1555 identified this particular asteroid as being worthy of a quatrain, and which will perhaps "raise from the sleep of death" the King of Angolmois (whoever he is), I feel sure that this is one particular heavenly body to keep an eye on.

By the way, you can look it up if you like, the asteroid has the appellation 1999 AN 10.

Get it? Reverse the above and you get 10 (Nostradamus' quatrain), AN (what was thought to mean "year") and 1999 (what was thought to mean the year 1999.)

Here's a question: Was he deliberately obtuse? Why would he put a prophecy in such a way that it would only be interpreted correctly 464 years later and cause all the palaver, fright and upset we went through twenty years ago?)

Last edited by Untersberg56 : 06-01-2019 at 08:02 PM.
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