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Old 12-01-2020, 04:33 PM
NoOne NoOne is offline
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Originally Posted by DivyanshuChangkakoti
I'm blessed to be given such wonderful and insightful answers. Thanks a lot people!

The concept of Moksha is a little bit more clearer in my mind now, but I'll only totally understand it when I finally get there.

I started my spiritual journey mainly because of Sadhguru, have to give him credit for that. His eye opening speeches and videos made me pay more attention to the subtler aspects of life. I've always been a negative person so maybe that's why I made all sorts of negative assumptions upon hearing his explanation of Moksha. Anyways, you guys picked me up when I started to stumble. This is a great community indeed.

I've gone across many of Sadhguru's articles and videos on Moksha but an article in particular named Spirituality Means Self-Destruction raised those fearful questions in my head. You can find it on the Isha Foundation website. I would have attached a direct link but it seems I don't have enough posts.
If you guys could give me some clarification on that article, I would gladly welcome it!
If not, then that's totally fine too!

There is a grain of truth in what he writes, but he seems to misunderstand the concept of Universality and the Self.

A common mistake made by people who have not had the experience of Unity Consciousness, is to assume that it leads to annihilation of Self and individuality. Nothing could be further from the truth.

When we talk about Self-realisation, the realisation part is to be meant literally. It literally means realising (in a giant "aha"-moment") that the Self is all there is, ever was and will be and you are "It".

When that happens, the Self expands into Infinity and becomes universal. It is no longer bound by the material realm, but is omniscient and boundless. Instead of a loss of Individuality, it is actually an expansion of it, an empowerment of the Individual, which goes from small and constrained to endless and unbound, limitless even. To use Sanskrit terms, you could say it is the Atman realising it is the Brahman and that there is nothing else outside of it.

This universal consciousness can only exist outside the bounds of the human body and the material realm in general. So, whilst in this body, you can become universal for brief periods and learn from the experience, but you have to constrain your own consciousness into the bounds of matter and the human body if you wish to continue existing in this world. That is why, btw, gods do not generally interact with us directly, but rather send messengers or create an avatar for the purpose of constraining their cosmic consciousness for a brief period to achieve some purpose.

There are various forms of unity and universal consciousness, most of which are completely unfathomable to us. The easiest way to explain it, is to refer to each of them as a separate realm or universe, which don't generally intersect with each other, that is, they exist on their own and independent of each other, but there is still a continuum of universal realms which can know of each other, or connect with each other in some manner.

I write about the Elohim a lot, which is the Unity consciousness of Heaven.

It is made up of many minds, each of which is its own realm, yet they have a Unity "mode" so to speak and can exist and think in Unison. This Unity is vibrational in nature, because they work for the highest purpose, they become One due to vibrational compatibility, creating a chorus made up of individual voices, yet they can and do separate into individuality whenever it is required or desired. This is the only difference between God and gods, which is worth mentioning. When we go to Heaven, we become part of this Chorus, which in art is generally depicted as a Chorus of Angels.

Moksha is about reclaiming your individual power, becoming universal and connecting to a higher reality. Rather than losing your individuality, you enhance it and become universal. The Self does not disappear into a soup of nothingness as many assume, far from it. To put it simply, you join a chorus of minds, which you can be part of as long as you like, or you can act individually, in which case you possess the infinite power of God and you are in effect part of the mind of God. You are That.
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