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Old 23-02-2018, 06:21 PM
Morpheus Morpheus is offline
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Originally Posted by kjw47
I understand why you are confused--A translation error of the comma placement

truly i tell you, today you will be with me in paradise. = error
truly i tell you today, you will be with me in paradise= correct.

Jesus was in Hades for 3 days. He could not be in paradise on the first day--Gods word is clear--Jesus was not raised until the 3rd day.

The bible is clear--on the day of ones death--ALL thought stops---- it wouldnt matter where that one was, he wouldnt even know it.

This is the sign and indication that one has been indoctrinated.

St. Paul, again, shares his NDE with us in the Epistles, in 2 Corinthians 12. Which commentary involves an incident in Acts 14:19, clearly.
When he was stoned in a city he was declaring the good news in, dragged away, and left for dead.

Today, we have innumerable testimonies involving what is referred to as the, "NDE".
( )

Below is one quote by Einstein, with respect to a greater reality than what is percieved by us, normally.
Who also said, (material) "Reality is an illusion, albeit, a very persistant one."
"Time and space are modes in which we think, and not conditions in which we live."

Cross referencing scriptures, and information from different sources, BOTH... leads one to truth!

But, not for those religiously indoctrinated. Who refrain from independant study and thought!

KJ, you ignored Jesus' statement about the rich man and Lazurus that Theophilus cited.
I've also asked you prior concerning your statements about the Law, and Grace and salvation by Faith.

"What makes the Jehovah's Witnesses any different from the Jewish heirarchy of Jesus' day, who stated that they were righteous because they kept the ten commandments? !", was my question.

Who Jesus said of them, they were "whitewashed tombs with all sorts of uncleanliness inside",
and that they placed "heavy burdens on men's backs, that you yourselves cannot carry!"

St. Paul goes into a whole commentary also in the Epistles...
about how the Law does not justify, but condemns people, indicating the need for God's grace... and salvation!!
( ROMANS 7:1-6 )

And again, in the succesive books in the Bible, after the giving of the Law... we read how the atoning rituals and practices were established by God,
so people may have reconciliation, peace, and restoration with Him, for sins!
Which foundation and establishment... Jesus is the Capstone of!
Leviticus 17:11...
"The life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the alter to make atonement for your souls.
For it is the blood which atones for ones soul."

The atoning Lamb of God, Who's blood was shed for, "The sin of the whole world", as John stated... in which we read in his gospel.
"I believe there are two sides to the phenomena known as death. This side where we live, and the other side, where we shall continue to live.
Eternity does not start with death.
We are in eternity now." - Norman Vincent Peale

"There is no place in this new kind of physics for both the field and matter, for the field is the only reality." - A. Einstein
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