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Old 17-05-2018, 10:21 AM
Inika Inika is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 2,345
11- Where to be more kind to yourself

Page of Cups -
Believe in my dreams. Give my hunches and inner feelings/sensors, dreams and emotions the benefit of the doubt. To not pass off those promptings as 'nothing' and give to myself the emotional devotion i'd give to another.

12- How or where can you grow more

Six of Wands-
Success by obtaining goals that lead to victorious feelings that drive me to keep going and believe in myself.

13- What desire should you deal with

The Chariot-
The direction in which to go in that will lead me/take me at least help me to go in the road that will lead me to victory.

14- Where to be patient-

The lovers -
When it comes to choice and choosing what you love the most, be patient, take time. there is no rush.It will all become clear with patience on your side. Patience is a virtue.

15- Prepare your new moon intention

High Priestess-
To trust more in my inner senses and know when there is a silence, that more is about to be revealed. Time cannot predict when, so trusting in the inner knowing/senses and being patient is required. Hearing and listening and trusting the inner voice/intuition.

16- Pull a new moon energy card-

Ace of Swords-
Gain the gift of clear insight, understanding, clarity and decisive perception to make the best decisions and see clearly where I am meant to be.

17-Something you shouldnt ignore-

Six of Wands-
My ambition towards growing through success and victory. Reaching goals originally set by my will of good deed and intention for future progress.
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