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Old 10-06-2019, 11:56 PM
Naaria Naaria is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 12
At the risk of sounding holier than thou, I just wanna chime in... I hope I don't step too hard on your guys' toes.

Anyway, I agree with edithaint. In my experience, I only provide an unsolicited, and unnecessary (in the sense that you expect us to be open minded, but open minded people don't need to be reminded to be open minded) disclaimer when I feel embarrassed or ashamed about what I'm talking about. Could that be a fair assumption? "This guy that I look up to doesn't look like the other people on YouTube but I promise he's got good information"... why would the way he look matter? Or better phrased: why does the way he look matter enough to you to defend it so fierce so seemingly out of the blue?

And why did it offend you to the point where you felt the need to insult the other person who didn't even really say anything malicious?
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