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Old 27-03-2012, 07:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Nah, I don't think they 'hate' spirituality, exactly, but I did know a couple of scientists who gave me the following impression:

In their case, it was almost as though their very 'scientific nature' needed absolute 'order', with no surprises, no inexplicable 'mysteries' or happenings, and solid walls of assurance and knowledge wrapped tightly around them like a security blanket.

The very mention of the word 'spirituality' seemed to make every muscle in their body twitch in agitation. I smelled fear, but never pressed the issue.

It seemed to me as if there was a need to protect themselves from the sometimes disconcerting aspects of life; all that 'stuff' that can't be measured, poked, x-rayed, dissected, injected, bottled, skinned, or genetically modified.

Curiously, they both grew up in fairly relaxed families where there was at least one member who was spiritually 'gifted' in some way.

However, despite their 'twitching' and general discomfort with the subject, I didn't get the impression they 'hated' it.

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