Thread: Crystal Wands
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Old 31-07-2011, 01:12 AM
Posts: n/a
Ellespirit, ^_^ You're very welcome.

>if you don't ask the dumb questions you don't learn.
But here's the real secret. The only dumb questions are the ones never asked. ^_~ Besides, how else will you learn if you don't ask? So, please, next time, don't feel at all shy or reluctant if you have a question to ask. Not everyone will know the answer, and sometimes you may have to look within to find the answers you're searching for. However, never be shy about asking. Okay?

>will they assist in my connection with my spirits guides?
Wands? Eh... I suppose they could, but from what little I know, that's really not what they should be used for. Tumbled, rough / raw / natural form, and cut / carved / polished pieces are much better suited for that. Wands, let's just say, are for the more experienced individuals among us. They know what wands can do, how to use them, and best they are used for various situations, circumstances, and enviroments.

>the mind is in information overload as to how much is relevant and how
>much is indulgence and commerciality?
And understandably so. There are a bunch of money-grubbing jerks out there (which you can read from Gabes's thread about 'Crystal Store Rant!!!' thread) who are only out there for the money. They don't care who they use, who they hurt, or any repercussions made because of that. All they want is money and as much of it as they can get. They're the ones spouting **** like 'oh you need this $300 crystal to help heal your soul!' or 'oh you need this $1000 Reiki class to clean your chakras!'.
People who are truly here to help, like us here, are willing to listen, to treat you as an equal with respect and quiet compassion. They won't force anything on you or try to con you, won't say 'you NEED to go out and buy so and so to make your entire life better or help you win the lottery or to bring the love of your life into your life!'.
We'll be happy to help, to give answers that we can give (though no one knows all of the answers, and sometimes people will simply say 'I don't know, I'm sorry'), since we're all both students and teachers on this road.

At the end of this, trust your heart, trust your gut, and try not to listen to people who tell you what they think you 'need' for anything. As a lovely person has here as their signature. "Take what resonates with you. Forget the rest."

I don't know how much this has helped, but, again, please, don't be afraid or shy at all if you have questions. We're all in on this together. ^_^ The least we can do is help one another out when and where we can.
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