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Old 09-06-2018, 04:53 AM
o0A0o o0A0o is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 131
It looks like everyone posting knows what you meant by "energy" as there are many forms of energy, lower and higher levels. So I am making this point because I don't see that anyone has touched upon this aspect of higher level energy. That is, the expansive awareness that accompanies the physical sensations. Sometimes there is warmth as well but the key is the awareness the energy has built into it. There does not have to be any focus. The "expanse" and "heightened awareness" is valuable on its own but sometimes there can be a focus on something. You might get a picture/vision, words-seen or heard, and the awareness can seem to have consciousness as in a personal being or it can be impersonal. It ranges from subtle to pronounced but this distinguishes higher level energy from general energy sensations.

Before feeling complete with this post I thought of yet another aspect of higher level energy, sometimes there is a condition that could be described as a folding of dimension. It is as though there is a bubble that can be shaped. Its perimeters do not line up with this dimension. There is a degree of overlap around the edges...........this final trait may be more subjective and I suspect it may not be universally perceived. But it seems to tie in with the thickened atmosphere that reminds me of water at higher levels. The bubble is like a pocket of this atmosphere.
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