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Old 05-01-2007, 05:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Mattstar,

I have worked with crystals for some time now. I do not believe that there are any combinations of crystals which are dangerous to use. Having said that, I tend to only use 1-2 crystals each time I use them. Certain stones should only be used on certain chakra points though. Although off the top of my head I can only identify some of the crystals that you work with and their corresponding chakra points:

Amethyst - Brow and/or Crown Chakra
Blue Tiger's Eye - Probably Throat Chakra, due to it's colour. I'll mention more about this in just a second.
Honey Calcite - Possibly Solar Plexus Chakra.
Lapis Lazuli - Throat and Brow Chakra.

Now about the colour of a can usually identify which Chakra a crystal should be used upon by the colour of it. This is because traditionally each Chakra has a particular colour associated with it. These are given below:

Root Chakra - Red
Sacral Chakra - Orange
Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow
Heart Chakra - Green and Pink
Throat Chakra - Blue
Brow Chakra - Violet or Indigo
Crown Chakra - Indigo or White

So, were you to have a Red Jasper but did not know which Chakra it should be used on, you would now know by it's red colour that it is a crystal designated for working with the Root Chakra. There are a few exceptions to that rule but they are few and far between.

It's good that you are using crystals to enhance your ability to channel your spirit guides, increase your vibrational energy, assist with psychic development, enhance clairaudience/voyance and also one day hopefully to try and commincate with loved ones who have passed over. However, please remember that although these are all qualities mainly associated with developing the higher chakras - throat, brow and crown - that it is also vitally important you work with your lower chakras too - root, sacral and solar plexus - as well as your balancing chakra - heart. Working with your root chakra for example will help you to more easily ground your energies.

The following link contains information on the chakra system:

This link will take you to a par excellence crystals and their properties site:

Lastly, it is sometimes said that you should not use a crystal such as amethyst for example, directly on top of the brow chakra located on the forehead area, for it is said that this can upset the balance of energies there. However, I find that this is a matter of personal preference and I myself have never experienced any problems doing this. I hope that this helps, Kundalini.