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Old 23-12-2017, 12:37 PM
Ab Origine Ab Origine is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 444
Hi Folks...

Well first glance these ten look much more manageable than those other "ten" from that bogus religion and its bogus but - I immediately find questions arise here..

I mean the first 5 are straight forward enough...obvious...No6 I would guess is an energetic phenomena to do with keeping a regular cycle which is rather essential...

no 7 though - I find perplexing - dancing singing and music to my direct experience are surely the vey language of the Soul - our natural expression - and "looking at plays" - well, as we see, it is the human condition to SHARE our experiences isn't it..?.. So I cant understand why it is forbidden there to essentially "share" the play as it is intended...

No8 seems very hypocritical to me - Im thinking specifically of tattoos - specifically of the Sak Yan tradition where the physical body IS ACTUALLY "adorned" in a most permanent manner... Yet this rule clearly states no such adornment at all... If we cant even add a fragrance to our body then for sure a permanent inked symbol should be a complete no no - yet just the opposite occurs - the tattoo is used as a permanant blessing - a permanant body symbol - and that would seem t go directly against this commandment above..

Likewise no 9 seems very confusing...I cant even think of a legitimate reason WHY the height of a bed should matter - any ideas Folks..??..
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