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Old 10-10-2017, 01:00 AM
Clover Clover is offline
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I like being alone. I have a very large and strong supportive family, so I know I am never truly 'alone', and my children remind me every of how abundant love is. As far as partnerships, my marriage didn't last a decade so that is not an avenue I wish to pursue again. I knew deep down in my soul's calling that being confined to a 'marriage' was not the life I wanted to continue living. I am on an individual soul path and I am very content with the decision thus far, this doesn't imply that I don't desire companionship. I feel for me it has more to do with sharing housing with another adult individual and making "it work" especially with men my age ( thirties) who many are still functioning with socially conditioned behaviors & egoic mind sets, imho. In short, I am okay with non attachments at this particular time period in my life.

I agree we BadCopy, we vibrationally align with people that match our frequency and vision which I am sure is the delightful part however, what I have found many times is that the Universe is really great at sending people our way who are complete opposite from our desired goals/plans The world would be a perfect place if we met and had relationships with people who all behaved exactly as we wanted them too ( I am sure than we would all live happily ever after in pairs). Seemingly, the Universe brings us people or 'challenges' that help give us the maximal amount of growth opportunity, all in part of the evolution for our souls growth

Last edited by Clover : 10-10-2017 at 03:27 AM.
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