Thread: Tree Magick
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Old 11-12-2019, 03:51 PM
Posts: n/a

I can see the difference with paper birch as oppose to other papers I've seen. I've mostly used notebook paper to write my petitions. Parchment is utilized more often in spell work and goes way back in history. It's not the same parchment material witches use today than witches from the past used. But witching purist will insist on using "true" parchment (calfskin/animal skin) for spell work. I personally don't see any difference with any writing materials used. It's all about the intention and how much energy and time is conveyed.

Anyway, I am familiar with most of the tree names used for magick but I wouldn't be able to distinguish it. I'd need to view the images first and compare them to the actual tree if I ever do encounter with any of the listed trees used in witchcraft. Fortunately, certain trees have unique characteristics to tell apart from the other trees, like the witch tree. It's usually on the edge of a cliff. Funnily enough, I have a book cover of a witch tree. And I've seen the willow tree which I am certain the one closest to my area is a weeping tree.

Thanks for sharing!

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