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Old 04-10-2010, 02:57 PM
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Color Reincarnation

Originally Posted by Lynn

With the notion in mind that there truly be reincarnations.....can we come back as something NOT human ?

Can we choose to maybe be something NOT seen as living. Such as a tree or rock ?

Can we come back as animals ?

Or maybe even ET's . ( )


Hi Lynn,

I agree with Lightbringer, as far as I understand it we are on a pathway of ascension and therefore cannot regress into a lower form of life. What would be the purpose? We have an individual Soul which lower life forms don't - they have a group Soul which they rejoin after passing to the Realms of Light. When that Group Soul has enough life experience and knowledge it ascends to the next level and becomes a new Soul of that level and this happens until it reaches the level when it acquires an individual Soul.

The question of reincarnating as a tree, flower, rock etc. I believe that is impossible - we are on a different vibration to the plant and mineral kingdoms - as are elementals and angels. They each exist on different vibrations and never reincarnate as such. Plants, minerals do not possess Souls, only the life force of God - essence of spirit. Angels and elementals are Light servants of God and never come into incarnation.

Bear in mind that this is only my own perception, gained through learning, understanding, experience and realization.

Does that help?


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