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Old 16-06-2018, 01:48 PM
r6r6 r6r6 is offline
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Color 3 Dimensions 5 Powers?

2 poles of axis of spherical celestial objects that often associated with a torus shaped EMagnetic field.

A 1D line ____ has two terminal end points.

A 2D plane /\ has 2 sides/faces.

A 3D polyhedron has inside, finite volume and outside macro-infinite space

A 4th D as Observed TIME{ frequency of events } has a terminal beginning / and ending \.

A 4th D as abstract metaphysical Time has a beginning *.....* ending time.

A 5th D ---or power-- as spin/motion occurs as < left or right > association to an abstract metaphysical axis.

A 6th D --or power-- as oscillation between forward and backward, outside-out and inside-out.

A 7th D --or power-- as expansion-contraction.

A 8th D --or as power-- precession ex orbit of moon around Earth at approximate 90 degree{ a little less } association.

[quote=r6r6r]Consciousness = twoness at minimum.

1} observer --ex occupied space something-ness the brain/nervous system--

2} observed --ex occupied space thumb---

3} line-of-relationship -- occupied space nerves or EMRadiation i.e. visual--,

4} background --ergo the environment behind which we observe thumb or self, Earth Sun, Moon etc

Twoness ergo bilateral * * consciousness.

..1} 31 bilateral --left and right-- nerves of spinal chord,
..2} 2 hemi-spheres --left and right--,
..3} 2 eyes, ears, nostrils, lungs, nipples, hands,kidneys, ovaries, testes, legs, bipedal
..4} 2 parents --at least with mammals--- ergo bio-diversity via sex

...5?} one food entrance, two waste exits ---urine and solid wastes--

Note: jellyfish --oldest animal species on Earth-- use one same opening for food entrance, waste and sexual reproduction.

macro OUT<SPACE>IN micro ( * ) i ( * ) micro IN<SPACE OUT> macro

Originally Posted by r6r6r
Invagination of egg... (>)) leads to,
> Ectoderm is the outer layer = forms epidermis and nervous system.
> Mesoderm is in the middle and forms a many structures (i.e., heart, muscles).
> Endoderm is the inner layer and forms the "gut" and related organs.
> Mind/intellect ---via lag rate cognition of time--
> macro-infinite non-occupied space---irrelevant to time
> finite occupied space Universe has primary threeness subcatagory as,
......> gravity ( ) positive shaped geodesic curvature
......> Observed TIME { quantised } reality /\/\/\/ or as ^v^v sine~wave pattern
......> Dark energy )( negative shaped geodesic curvature
"Dare to be naive"... R. B. Fuller

"My education has been of my biggest impediments to my learning"...A. Einstein

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."...R Feynman
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