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Old 11-11-2011, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by mickiel
Can science reveal God? Well consider the " Anthropic Principles." Anthropic means relating to human beings and their existence. Its well known that our existence in this universe depends on numerous cosmological constants and parameters whose numerical values must fall within a very narrow range of values. If even a single varible were off, in some cases even slightly, we wouldnot exist.

The extreme improbability that so many varibles would align so auspiciously in our favor merely by chance has led some scientist and philosophers to propose instead that it was God who providentially engineered the universe to suit our specific needs. This is the Anthropic principle; that the universe appears to have been " Fine-tuned for our existence."

Even the co-founder of the theory of evolution," Alfred Russell Wallace", begin to see this before he died.

This is a logical fallacy as hybrid pointed out. If the abiogenesis of life has a chance of 1 in a million and there are a billion random chances, the probability of life occurring is a 1000 to 1 in favor. The fact that life occurred and we don't know how many chances occurred before our emergence doesn't mean it had to have been God.
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