Thread: Kryon
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Old 04-05-2017, 07:21 PM
William 辰 William 辰 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 168
Yesterday Kryon was in Amsterdam. Robert Coxon (from the music you hear in the background), Alcazar and the Stargate were there too.
It started at 15:00 hours and ended around 22:00 hours. It was my first time visiting a meeting like this and it was great.

They were all great. But it was quite interesting seeing Robert Coxon doing his work. I've always wondered how the music you hear at Kryon's channellings was timed so well with what Kryon is saying. Well, it doesn't surprise me, but he isn't just a musician. He is spiritual too; He feels the energy of the people he is with and that is what he is basing the music on. And playing it live of course. So in this case he is sitting next to the channelers and he plays the music by feeling Kryon and Alcazar.
I really enjoyed it.

With one of Lee Carrol's presentations, he made a few points:
1) There is a new "Normal."
2) No more fighting negativity or darkness.
3) No more isolation and being weird - Integrate!
4) Live your life with synchronicity and not just logic.
5) KNOW you are Self-Balancing.
6) Don't fear the future. LIGHT is winning.
Why follow trends when you've got style?
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