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Old 10-03-2018, 10:40 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Moonglow
Namaste Greenslade,

It seems the brain is barely known and there is progress in exploring its functions, yet it seems we hardly know much less use its full function.

You have me peeking around the Web and briefly skimmed over some things about Hameroff. Not being familiar with him, it does look interesting. Yay, more stuff to learn.

Consciousness is often mentioned, but do we really understand it? How much is stored in our DNA and general make up of being Human, not to mention the Spirit parts? I do feel science is catching up with Spirituality. Just different approaches in seeking to understand our being.

Ego at play, what comes to me. The wonder and hunger to know oneself. Not in a pompous way, but in the pure way of couriosity and wonder.

Come across, from time to time, talk of other dimensions. Wonder if some of these seen or felt as another dimension is simply an opening up of what is already with in us. Lays sleeping or unnoticed until something triggers it to wake up and then shifts the outlook upon the world.

Things become brighter and more in tune with lifes movements. Feeling giving the sense of being in another demention, but still here, just the view has widened a bit.

This may lead to, that what has been told to one is not all there is, we are much more, there is much more. Imagine it to be like the first time someone looked through a telescope and saw there is more to this then just here.

This is some of how it has come to me. With in it all my ego laughs, shrugs, stand humbled by it. Depending what comes along.

Don't know how it all occurs and to bring Spirit and loved ones in spirit communicating with me, brother now you got a party. (got a little carried away).

The whole thing about ego for me is in what contex is it being talked about?
If it be having a self identity, then it seems to me it is how one expresses such.
If be in how one thinks things to be, then it can reflect just how creative we are.

Some say it is as you think it to be. Some of this is true, then as you presented there are those other aspects that appear to have no thinking about it involved.
They just occur.

I feel we are also energetic being and sense this with each other. This seems just as natural as speaking, hugging, and all the other fleshy bits, just that it flows a little differently. As best I can express this at present. Which seems science and Spirituality seem to explore and point to. Just in different terms.
Namaste Moonglow

The fact is mate, while we know quite a bit about science, the brain and Spirituality we really don't know much more than a very small portion of any of it. I've seen a few 'What is consciousness?'-type YouTubes lately and they all come to the same conclusions - nobody really knows and what is known is a couple of facts.

We don't know what#s stored in our genes although best guess is the collective memories of prior generations. Did you know that DNA emits light? We put so much store in consciousness but never explore the subconscious, and that's where it all happens. When you talk to people it all happens in your subconscious first and you only become conscious 'after the fact' - when you're saying it. The conscious lags behind the subconscious just a tiny fraction of a second, but still a lag.

What also hinders Spirituality is the collective unconscious and nobody thinks about it. This bit about Light good dark bad? That's an avatar of the collective unconsciousness from back in the day we were prey animals to lions and tigers and bears. Oh my!

Your ego is what looks back at you in the mirror in the morning, and the only question is "Can I live with it or not?" In whatever shape or form it takes, your ego is a memory of your past experiences and how you've come through them. It's also how you interact with the world around you - with the people on this forum and the ones you share your Life with.

Your ego is the reality you've created for yourself.
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