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Old 19-07-2016, 06:41 PM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
Thanks Mard, I did have one, too.... 14 years ago. I didn't go that far, Infact....I didn't even realize what was happening. I won't go into detail what happened but I will just get straight to what I saw. I was in bed one second and the next I was standing in a grey fog of what looked to be moving clouds. I was conscious when I went to lay down, so this baffled me because I didn't know where I was or how I got there. In the fog stood a deceased loved one....he looked to be, the only way I can describe some sort of energy and somewhat transparent at the same time. As the fog moved, there was an angel that looked to be made of pure white light....she was actually glowing white. I remember she had really huge wings. They looked into my eyes and then turned around to leave...into a white light fast off behind them into the distance. It was far away like a star, just a pin point of light. It was fast, how they went and then they were gone. I was raised southern baptist...but wasn't a regular and at the time of this experience, I was agnostic. I think now, looking back at the experience....they were stopping or blocking me from going any further than I did because they were standing between me and that light. The neat part was, I said many times...that if I ever died...the first person I want to see was the person I actually did see when I had this experience. Thanks for sharing your NDE, I always find them fascinating and love to read others experiences. One thing I that I found after having this happen to me...was for the next few years afterwards, I had a rash of psychic experiences that were prophetic in nature. I've always had psychic experiences to a degree, but these were very clear and blatant.
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