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Old 01-08-2019, 09:28 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Originally Posted by God-Like
I think there can be many words used to describe similar things so there can be some leeway for sure.

I would say it depends on context as always, for some will say they are unidentified in reflection of their belief that no-one is here and that belief / premise falls apart when the moment they engage with normal life.

For folks to say they are unattached when they have more than they need just opens up a multitude of issues, you see on some t.v shows like American Pickers were people hoard loads of stuff, so much stuff that they can't move for lack of room in their houses and they find it difficult to let go of any of it ..

Many see this as attachment, and it stands to reason, some might equally say that they can hoard as much stuff or an obscene amount of money and not be attached to it ..

One might then question like I have, why do you have it then, why accumulate well beyond your needs and it doesn't even matter if they hoard all this stuff for other people for there will still be an attachment to the need ..

It really is transparent but as always peeps only see what they want to see .. and some like to pretend they are not attached just like the addicts who say they haven't a problem ..

It can be a very complexed situation when peeps are not honest with themselves ..

Even spiritual folks that get married are attached and identified even if their teachings say otherwise ..

Ask a spiritual teacher why there was the need to get married is all you have to ask ..

Why did you marry her and not her sister or her mother lol ..

Another good one is that one can be addicted / attached and have desires and yet associate them to the supposed false self and not the real self so it doesn't count ..

Which brings me to the reason of my thread in regards to realisations and conclusions .

It's all well and good peeps passing the buck onto their false self for instance so they can feel content with carrying on with having desires and addictions, but where has the realization and the conclusion come from that there is some form of entity that is false that is present .

It could equally be said that there is nothing false present at all and if your were a super duper guru type you wouldn't have any addictions anyway and you wouldn't live in a house full of belongings .

I implore peeps to just simply look at what is concluded and what is realized and see if you can see the difference/s .

x daz x

In the end, nothing matters and everything matters. Where ‘you sit in all this and live from is your choice. The surface nature of stuff and things, is choice. I have stuff but I know what’s important in me through my own realisations, so I choose as best as I can according to them.

You don’t realize yourself beyond mind and ‘not self’ and not understand yourself as a mind body , self. In the essence of ones true nature, you would understand yourself through the ‘whole’ and if you don’t then an open self aware plugged in being, will soon realize if they become aware this way.

We all play our part as unique people. Not everything in this world makes sense to those some place else, trying to make sense.

Understanding sometimes doesn’t require knowing, or why people choose as they do, just being aware is often the understanding.
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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