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Old 03-10-2017, 10:53 AM
Ab Origine Ab Origine is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 444
Hi Folks...

Whether we "suffer" in life or not is always a PERSONAL perspective - you may look at someone poor and believe they MUST be suffering - but inside they may be exceedingly happy and content - and of course - look at someone rich and think they must be a "bad person" as they amassed all this wealth ad others went without - its not fair you may think - but trust me - we ALL DO IT TO OUR SELVES and we CREATE every little circumstance that our life allows us to experience !!!

(problems come because most people here create them Self in TOTAL IGNORANCE and so allow the world to dictate who they are to Be)

Poor person has better chance of becoming truly spiritual - simply because they don't have "worldy distractions" and so have few ties or responsibilities to the mortal world...being materially por just means you have a natural head start, as without those outer distractions, you will of course turn inwards -and that my friends is where you will find your Soul - NOT out in the world with its material concerns - but deep within the Self - empty mind free form all that mortal concerns - money and wealth are a direct hinderance to spiritual development for MOST people - but indeed such wealth can bring great benefits to all, if the one in control is spiritually aware of them Self then they would employ their wealth for the benefit of ALL...

So you see, the bible is just bringing confusion as usual - because simply being wealthy is NOT a bad thing - it is the ATTACHMENT to the mortal concern that is to be avoided, not the wealth itself but the CRAVING of it..

As to how all these different people are going to interact in "heaven" in SPIRIT - well - I will tell you all - do NOT be expecting it to be a heirachal society like we have HERE - that is a complete fallacy....Thing is - spirit is UNITY - MIND TO MIND and indeed spirit TO spirit....There is no HIDING - no deception, no Self deceiving or Self deluding - in spirit you know EVERYTHING that the other individual knows -you will MERGE and become ONE in knowledge - all previous MORTAL ideas will be seen FULLY and s you will know the oTher FULLY, and indeed will know your own Self FULLY...

ALL these mortal concerns of power, wealth authority station, MEAN NOTHING AT ALL once we are in the spiritual state, free from mortal life..Totally forget ANY ideas of "rewards and punishments" - and simply forget any notions of "karma" dictating your next life that you may have learned from this wold - you are going to see that those things are errors - poorly understood here - but in spirit, simply , you will know TRUTH DIRECTLY - and you will laugh at all this foolish naivete here in mortal life...

when you (all) die - you will face a PERSONAL JUDGEMENT - a LIFE REVIEW - trust me I know all about it - read the thousands of near death accounts - the thousands of spiritually transformative events that happen all over the world from EVERY faith and religion regardless its ALWAYS the same process - you will die and have this life review - and believe me when I tell you all, you will see TRUTH OF SELF like you have never know before - all the lies and deceptions we hide behind HERE will be stripped away in an instant and your Soul will be left naked and exposed - you are NOT what you currently believe your Self to Be - and for most this new truth will be rather rude and shocking - especially if you cling to this religious confusion here in life.. Sorry - but MOST Souls inthw world today are not getting anywhere near a spiritual is not what most believe it is - but is is REAL and VALID and UNSTOPPABLE - it is the ABILITY TO CREATE - the prcess OF Creation - and it all comes from MIND Folks - LITERALLY, most will die and IMMEDIATELY in that confused state they will CREATE that which they believe themself to Be.. And look - confused so, they BELIEVE they are a MORTAL PERSON - and so it WILL come to pass in short order - their KARMA - their own CREATIVE TALENT will quite literally cause them to REINCARNATE here again AS MORTAL as that is ALL THEY KNOW in their confusion !!!

So - for most Souls out there - all this is a bit moot - most are simply not ready for "heaven" and will cling to life here and recreate this mortal life again.. and again.. and again...until FINALLY SELF REALISATION dawns for them....Now - some may think they have already gone beyond that stage - they may think that their "relgious wisdom" is the foundational truth and certainly, anyone here on this forum or similar, actively seeking spiritual truth, does indeed have a head start on the general masses - but I do assure you all from direct experience that NONE OF IT is ACTUAL truth - everything you think is solid and foundational NOW, will change in an instant and indeed, upon that final day, that Judgement will happen and you will all see exactly what I mean.....We deceive the Self here ALL THE TIME - its like a defense we use - but its all going to be ripped away and you will finally see the Self clearly - NOT MORTAL - it will totally shock you if unprepared - and sorry - but religion is just not up to that task - it does NOT prepare us - it only CONFUSES us with all these half truths and twisted meanings...

EDIT : Christ DID have women disciples - Mary Magdalene first and foremost - she was his mortal consort - as said don't trust the religion alone - that will bring only confusion -as He warned it would - they have no truth to offer He said and will lead you astray ON PURPOSE - have TAKEN the keys to this wisdom He said and HIDDEN it from you (all)... This issue of female disciples is just one example of their total and continual manipulation of HIS truth.. The religion simply cannot be trusted He said it repeatedly, have no part of it He ACTUALLY said to those with ears to hear...

Last edited by Ab Origine : 03-10-2017 at 12:09 PM.
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