Thread: light warrior
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Old 02-07-2019, 07:42 AM
Siemens Siemens is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 202
Originally Posted by Pagandell
Sorry Siemens I do not wish to be seen as ganging up on you but what TerramineLightviod is saying here I think is true.
Okay. I didn’t read TerramineLightvoid's comments very carefully because I wasn’t interested in discussing with him. Which sentence that I wrote do you think is erroneous?

It might be true that atheism isn’t a religion in the actual sense of the word if you define religion as belief regarding something supernatural. But it is undeniably true that atheism is a dogmatic belief system. I said atheism is a religion because atheism is a dogmatic belief system:
- Atheists believe without any prove that human consciousness is created by the human brain (because they deny the possibility of the existence of a soul).
- Atheists believe without any prove that we all developed through biological evolution (natural selection) because they deny the possibility of spiritual forms of evolution.
- Atheists believe without any prove that the whole universe is made up of substantial matter (atoms) although the material universe could also be a virtual simulation we use to make experiences.

So atheists do positively believe in things that are unproven, dogmaitc and arbitrary – therefore I call atheism “religion” = dogmatic belief system.

I didn’t read all TerramineLightviod wrote because I discussed this topic many years. And I think I’m not in charge to give people that are at a very low spiritual level private lessons.
He should believe what he wants. I'm not interested in it.


Originally Posted by Pagandell
I said I respect your beliefs, I did not say every ones.
I’ve problems with the term “ to respect” someone’s beliefs. What does to respect others beliefs actually mean? I think they are wrong but I accept your right of being wrong?

Originally Posted by Pagandell
I may have empathy for a christian who is in service to others for instance, but being a bisexual shaman I do not like being told I am going to hell for my sins.
So you respect others beliefs as long as they do not cause harm to anyone?
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