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Old 10-04-2020, 11:22 AM
peeps peeps is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 29
You could visit a metaphysical library or bookshop. They've got a lot of resources, even audiobooks or ebooks. Do whatever you're drawn to and whatever you feel comfortable doing. Some suggestions- psychometry (object reading), astrology, using a pendulum, tarot. I think if you're meant to be psychic you'll be drawn to it anyway

There are subtle energy bodies surrounding all of us, they interact with one another in various ways. When you spend time at a place or interact with a possession, your energy is imprinted- like a signature. You leave a trail of thoughts, feelings and impressions which can be picked up on. It can happen on the internet too- energy of people who have read a book or page, ideas are embedded

Like a satellite you will pick up on a range of frequencies of other people. They may harmonise or conflict with you. This can happen with strangers sometimes, if you walk through a place they have been, you can start instinctively tuning into thoughts they've had and ideas/feelings and it mixes with your own- if they are attuned to a similar frequency

You might find that it has a subtle influence on your thoughts and behaviours later, or you suppress it if it's upsetting. You could unknowingly begin having a similar or parallel conversation with yourself as you walk through another person's energy and it triggers similar patterns of thoughts/ideas. You can get drawn into some energy fields or pushed out of a vibrational energy field (frequency) if it's unbalanced or clashes with your own
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