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Old 21-08-2014, 02:38 PM
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"Beyond Past Lives" by Mira Kelley

It came out recently, just last month. I'm still reading it (slow reader) but it's good so far. Kelley is known partly for introducing Anita Moorjani to Wayne Dyer and thus, the world, and he does recommend her ability to regress people (having had private sessions with her according to his intro in the book.)

I think she's Bulgarian, so if you ever get her regression CDs (or watch her YT videos), you'll notice an interesting lilt in her accent. From my experience using both her CDs and her YT videos, it makes the regressions that much easier, or so it seems to me.

The Kindle version I have has an appendix with a script for doing your own regressions. I have transcribed it, but will not post it here. I transcribed it primarily to experiment with creating an otherkin version where I'd regress myself as my kin, just to see if that helps in finding those types of lives. I feel it will because it sets in your mind the form you are wanting so that things are then guided to those particular kinds of lives.

Her writing style is good; it flows easily and makes for a fast read. So, I expect most out there to have finished their copies before I'm halfway through

According to her intro, each chapter is a lesson, and there are ten such chapters. When I'm done, I'll give a better review. This is mostly to offer the regression script.

The only thing about that script is that while she does indicate places for long pauses, you'll just have to figure out your own length of pauses between all the rest of the guiding sentences. Once I've recorded my voice reading it, I'll also have a better idea of how long I should pause between each sentence. Plus, I want to buy a clip of sound from that noise site I've mentioned before, as several of the drones would be perfect for this

Last edited by Gracey : 23-08-2014 at 12:59 AM.
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