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Old 11-03-2018, 04:58 PM
LostintheLore LostintheLore is offline
Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: New York
Posts: 53
I just went though that myself. I was even hospitalized because I thought I was losing my mind. My advice is listen to that pain. It is trying to telling you something. Have you considered doing any Shadow Work? I was inadvertently doing that because I used to sit and dwell on my missteps and defeats. Meditation is the best way to cope with those emotions. I remember finishing a guided meditation on "Letting Go" and was sobbing by the end of it. It hurts like hell and can be intense but once you shed those layers it is harder for them to grow back. Repetition is key when it comes to meditation, if you truly commit to it, its affects are very noticeable. What also helped me get through the dreams was dealing with fear. I simply kept asking myself what I was afraid of and kept reminding myself that love is more powerful than fear. Also, I read and watched a lot of videos about lucid dreaming and the like. You are the architect of your dreams. You can change the outcome with a simple thought. I had a dream where someone was going to slice me with a knife and much like Ghostbusters I thought of something that wouldn't hurt me. Suddenly the knife turned into a big fish and the attacker couldn't hurt me. One last thing I will mention is resistance. In your waking life are you resistant to things that come your way? Such as if you have to wait in a long line do you get impatient, if someone cuts you off in traffic do you get angry? Little things like this really affect you. Once I made the commitment to myself to not get worked up about those things I felt a lot of judgement, anxiety, fear, etc. dissipate. Hopefully I was able to help you a little bit. Like I said I was just going through that myself and know how overwhelming it can get!
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