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Old 26-02-2018, 11:28 AM
Melahin Melahin is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 1,500
In Quantum there is something called Quantum Jumping that is similar to what the Shamans do; basically it says that in any given moment you exist in every potential possible state, so you can jump into a reality where you are already healthy. Here is something from the book Quantum Jumps.

Your ability to form strong intention, to concentrate, and to get and stay focused while feeling detached from concerns of daily life - relaxed, open-minded, and emotionally energized - are essential. Just as when you shift gears on your car, you must first disengage from one gear before re-engaging in a new gear, you must attain a mindset of detachment in order to release connections to physical realities you have felt locked into with your thoughts and feelings.
I am the flower, the tree, the vine. I am the path
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