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Old 13-09-2017, 01:26 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 714
You guys probably have got glimpses of your past lives, and didn't even realize it. It's can be easy to overlook, and chalked up to a dream, imagination, etc. The only reason I didn't chalk up my experiences to imagination, was because I seen the past, present and future all playing out at the same time when it happened to me as I got older....and the future that I saw in the dreams and visions, did happen exactly the way I saw it. I learned to trust it, but another thing that happened, was these dreams and visions always felt different than other random dreams. They would leave me shaken, profound, and an innate knowing was already just took me to stop rationalizing it away, and just listen for once. That's when I realized, all these things that have happened to me....had been happening my whole life, on and off...and I would not pay attention, or acknowledge it. I realized the night my great grandfather died, that he sent me the most LOUD, visit of an after death. It scared me to death, lol....but he did it that way, probably because he knew that I'm stubborn and would not listen, unless he did.
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