Thread: Heaven&Hell
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Old 29-11-2011, 08:54 PM
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Being raised a First Southern Baptist, I did actually believe in a Heaven and Hell. But it wasn't until after I became acquainted with Krishnamurti's ideas of unconditional love, that I began to see things differently. Yes, I do understand the concept of "tough love" that sometimes parents need to implement in order to get their child to be more responsible. But to eternally damn your child to a life of punishment does not reflect well on the parent. Where is the love in forever turning your back on your own child?

I used to get into all kinds of circular arguments with God over this very notion. And it always felt like we would just wind up agreeing to disagree. But I think in actuality, I was just arguing with myself. It just didn't make any sense to put conditions on something that was supposed to be unconditional.

Then one day, a new thought occurred to me. Perhaps in all those times when I was arguing with God about how he can't put conditions on unconditional love, he was actually helping to give strength to my belief in unconditional love, instead of trying to tear me down with it. And once I began to look at the problem in that light, I heard a voice say, "You're right. I can't put conditions on love. That's why I don't."

Now, the problem is, as much as God doesn't restrict us with conditions, people still believe that he does. And from time to time, I still have my concerns that I may be wrong. But, I have decided, that even if I am wrong and I wind up being tossed in Hell for some reason or another, I believe enough in unconditional love, that I can forgive God even if he allows that to happen. I simply love him that much

And to be honest, I actually do spend a lot of time in the lower vibrational levels. But I do it of my own free will, as my mission and my passion is to free those down there from their self inflicted personal Hell. For I love all of them, every bit as much as I love God. Even the not so nice ones But that's another story all together
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