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Old 12-11-2017, 10:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Moonglow
...To become aware of my thoughts and what is just occurring around me can be a bit tricky if overthought
This is what comes to mind. It is what I think it is at present, for me, but not all it is.
Suppose this is what is transcended through the self.
Absolutely. View varies by perspective, and of course all thought is conceptual, not literal. This is both a limitation and a liberation - It's limiting in that we can never completely know anything, but liberating in that we can think beyond what we do know. This is how transcendence is possible.

That may be overthought, but I don't think so. I think it is appropriate in the context of the discussion. If you want to talk about the weather, we can do that too.

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