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Old 07-06-2014, 01:45 PM
r6r6 r6r6 is offline
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Book1 90's > 40's > 20's > Teens > Youngin's > Rapid Cell Regeneration

1.of, pertaining to, or consisting of spirit; incorporeal.

Metaphysical-1 mind/intellect concepts ex spirit-of-intent

2.of or pertaining to the spirit or soul, as distinguished from the physical nature: a spiritual approach to life.

Metaphysical-1 mind/intellect
ex spirit-of-intent

4.of or pertaining to spirits or to spiritualists; supernatural or spiritualistic.

At best, supernatural, could be assoctated with allededged theoretical universe's outside of/ergo beyond, our finite observed Universe i.e. ideas of universe's that have a differrent set of laws, sort of like differrent states or countries having differrent laws.

.....Bing definition: not of natural world: relating to or attributed to phenomena that cannot be explained by natural laws.....

5. characterized by or suggesting predominance of the spirit; ethereal or delicately refined: She is more of a spiritual type than her rowdy brother.

Bing definition: exquisite: very delicate or highly refined....airy: very light, airy, or insubstantial.....heavenly: belonging to the sky or the celestial sphere.

Think gravity( essence ) if gravity has gravitonic quanta, then they are ultra-small as gravity is believed to be the weakest of all forces having the lightest weight( very light weight )

The very definition of the word answers your question. To be a spiritual person one must be willing to believe things that do not have a physical explanation.

There are many things humans have a very comprehensive understanding---" physical explanation" --- of today that they did not have 100 or 1000 years ago, ergo not understanding something does not neccessarily place it into all "spiritual" catagories. imho
Being open minded to things that are not easily explained is the beginning of spirituality, in my opinion.

"Open minded" is the allowing for consideration of any concept. Next comes common sense, rationally logical conclusions and then perhaps communication with others to verify our conclusions of the concept under consideration.

Spirit-2 = physical/energy as fermionic matters, bosonic forces and any combination thereof.

Bing defintion: 'spir·it life force of person: the vital force that characterizes a human being as being alive'

ergo spirit-2 as stated along with spirit-3 gravity( essence )

'will: will or sense of self'

ergo, metaphyscial-1 mind/intellect and spirit-of-intent

'enthusiasm: enthusiasm and energy'

ergo energy = spirit-2 = physical/energy = fermions, bosons and any combination thereof.

One such combination is called a biological/soul i.e. any biological is a soul. And any biological/soul is composed of many spirits, the collective can refered to as that biological/soul having a spirit--- physical/energy ---.

And in the case of humans greater access to more complex spirit-of-intention and mind/intellect.

Humans have physical/energy and humans are physical/energy.

Humans in their 90's say, that, those youngins in their 40's sure have a lot of energy.

Humans in their 30's say, those youngin's in their teens sure have lot of energy and so on and so on.

"Dare to be naive"... R. B. Fuller

"My education has been of my biggest impediments to my learning"...A. Einstein

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."...R Feynman

Last edited by r6r6 : 07-06-2014 at 03:52 PM.
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