Thread: 333
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Old 25-11-2014, 04:38 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by chrischung110
I go with what Drunvalo Melchizedek says.

333 means you have a decision to make. Personally, I saw 333 three times throughout the day. For example, I'd wake up at 3:33am. Later on, I'll be in my car, and I see 333 on a license plate. In the evening, when I'm going to church I see 3333 again.

If you make the right decision, you'd see 999. If you made wrong decision, you'd see 666.

666 is just 999 flipped... so within this free will universe that we find ourselves experiencing life immersed in the vibration of plan-et Earth... whether left or right... the answer is always right... just a thought :P

following my bliss
as essence of the mind body spirit trinity (333) - the core also forms a trinity: the human the soul the complimentary
I Am Divinity
the principle of growth where all things are possible
combining vision with action for guidance
I Am the Master Teacher
sincerely devoted to humanity
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