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Old 23-12-2010, 03:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Native spirit
Well i for one do strongly believe in reincarnation, and we are here to learn lifes lessons. i do believe in positive thought and thinking and what good deed you do for one,doesnt really mean more good deeds come your way,
all i know this is my final life time, i have been here many times before,what you learn from each life time you store,deep in your subconcious. i believe that will become apparent only when we join again to the GREAT SPIRIT.


Hi Native spirit

I too believe in reincarnation, and have become aware that we construct Soul Plans before entering in that involve agreements with others and the roles we will all play in one another's lives in order to give us the best opportunity to learn and grow and to perfect the qualities we have chosen to address within the context of that given lifetime. Of course we are always possessed of free will, so any one of us can change our minds mid-stream and take a different path, and the individuals with whom we forge these contracts are allowed to do likewise. In most cases we stick pretty close to the plan we devised before entry, and even those with whom we have difficult or seemingly negative relationships are part of our soul family with whom we share a deep and a biding love. Knowing this helps me to navigatge through some of the rougher waters in my life without holding rancor or judgement against another.

I do not know how many lives I've lived, though I have conscious recall of many, nor am I certain how many more I might choose to embark on. Sometimes advanced souls embark on lifetimes in which their Soul purpose is to instruct others, service being the highest form of expression one can take on. Other times we have learned all we need to but return simply for the pleasure of the physical sensations and the savage beauty of life on this fragile and intense 3-D planet. I'm wondering why you are convinced this is your last lifetime here and what it is that leads you to beleive that. Is it something you can share, or just a deep inner knowing? Just curious
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