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Old 04-05-2012, 04:06 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Dear ones, let kindness be your motive as you walk through life. Every being deserves respect and recognition, love and peace. One finds their center in this way and

receives from the universal peace, in kind. All beings are climbing the cosmic ladder and all have a reason for existence even the most minute, are the fullness of spirit

and fill their role toward perfection. If you limit your awareness of any part of creation, then you limit your own unfolding, because every being holds a connection to

the whole. It is this walking in beauty, that brings one to enlightenment, knowing full well that source is your every interaction. Do not be afraid to live with a

clear vision, that acknowledges all, this is your gift in living, for in sharing acknowledgement, you share your essence with all of creation. You are learning to walk in

wisdom dear ones, and you are learning to be authentic, there is nothing to hide. If one hides their beauty from each other then this one hides also from self. Do you

see dear ones, life does not limit you, it is simply a limited idea that locks the door to your fullness, and once this is understood, you will no longer build barriers to your

unfolding. The infinite is sweetness, it is ever sharing itself and the infinite only asks that the favor is returned. Not from a place of control but from a place of

willingness by understanding who you are, living that true expression of the divine. How simple, when one takes the time to see the whole picture instead of the

fragment, or the idea of belief in separation. There is a saying, if you want to be more, then give more. Use your talents and wisdom for the unfolding of all, and you

live in true service. It is being aware of who you are, in all circumstances, this alone helps your fellow beings, because when you are consistent in love, all benefit.

The idea ever unfolds and as you reach within and pull forth your best to share with the world, the world will share its best with you. Give and take, are but the circle

that always returns to you what you offer without expectation. As your hearts expand, you will understand this and you will want to share your love and beauty with

each other as the flowing of your spirit naturally shares its sweet scent with the all. The idea of self benefit becomes the benefit of the all, because life is finally

understood as the reflection of yourself. You all have the ability, dear ones, to share your essence with nature and listen for the message she gives willingly to you.

The entire universe waits to hear from you, your own wisdom and joys. All is a living extension of the divine, all is wise and beautiful, it is your challenge to touch the

very essence of all and see within the divine idea. Babaji
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