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Old 18-09-2006, 07:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Ginger for tummy upsets

This is another of my tried and tested remedies - especially for travel sickness prevention.

I normally take two capsules of ginger about half an hour before travelling anywhere long-distance, and take a couple more if you start to feel queasy on the journey.

For calming an already upset tummy, chop some fresh ginger root up (about an inch square I would say) and simmer in a pan of water for about 15-20 mins. Strain the liquid into a cup. Allow to cool a little, then sweeten with honey before sipping.

Ginger is also very good for curbing morning sickness. If you can't get your hands on any capsules or fresh root, a couple of ginger biscuits can really help!

Oh, and not forgetting dry ginger ale too. I always have some of that in the cupboard at home for mild tummy upsets. And the bonus is that the kids love it too!