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Old 12-01-2018, 03:29 AM
Avadar Avadar is offline
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Posts: 394
Originally Posted by starnight1
Thanks for the post.....I just know we still have those sorcerers existing in this life.
and so, the Jesus and whole bible belongs to fourth dimension ,the yellow group...
Hi starnight1...

You're welcome.

Yes, that's pretty much the situation. Most of the religious heavens or large discarnate communities exist on the fourth plane, and they compete with one another for more members up there and more agents to channel them down here.

Since the First Century, the Christian group entity has greatly weakened. At its prime, with over a million members in it, no sorcerer group entity - like the one of Simon Magus - could compete with it in minor miracles of healing and telekinesis. However, those days are long gone.

It should also be noted that even the largest fourth plane, yellow-energy group entities and fifth plane, violet-energy group entities have certain telekinetic limitations. For example, none of them had or have the power to actually create a fully-grown humanoid body. That is why the prophets and sorcerers of old never returned in the persona of their former glory. Once a prophet or sorcerer is dead beyond simple telekinetic measures to bring him or her back - like when the body if fully destroyed - they cannot come back from the dead unless they do so through the traditional method of reincarnation.

We currently have a plethora of sorcerers in our midst and no prophets that I know of.

Never let it be said that the power of prophets and sorcerers doesn't lead to the formation of new religions. For that is how all the major religions started in the first place.

Note what actress Jennifer Lawrence said to one of the weaker sorcerers, David Blaine (i.e., not as powerful as Cyril Takayama and Dynamo):

If you started a religion I would follow it.
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