Thread: how hard?
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Old 07-08-2006, 09:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Truly, reading on this website is so inspiring!

I would like to offer something very simple, which can be beneficial as one approaches meditation or practices regularily. It is really nothing profound, but just, very simple.

If you put your hand into a fist and squeeze with all of your might, for as long as you possibly can, and then, gradually begin to open it, you may find that there is some pain in that opening.

Or, perhaps you are carrying a suitcase which is very heavy over a long distance, clenching the handle with great effort, and then when you put it down and begin to open your hand, there is some pain in that opening.

Just the same, if you are riding a horse and you are very tense, your muscles very clenched, it can be quite uncomfortable. Your back may become quite sore and your bottom as well. You may end up with many blisters if you are riding a long distance. Most importantly, though, it is very possible that you will bounce right off the horse! So, if you muscles are relaxed and unclenched, the ride will be much less painful and your chances of falling off will be greatly reduced. The horse will certainly appreciate it as well!

If we can think of the body and mind as a clenched fist, then we may look at the process of growth as an opening. So, really, to open, we need only relax and stop clenching. We need only stop clinging to things. When we have thought, we are clenching the mind. If you want to move your hand, you must first clench some muscles. It is the same with the brain. If you want to think, you must first clench that muscle. So, if we can stop clenching that muscle, it can open.

Each individual is like a brilliant sun covered in a thick fabric. The more we can stretch that fabric - the more open the weave can become - the more light can pass through and out into the world, for the benefit of all. Truly, while we are here, we are wearing some clothing. So really, it is a process of loosening the weave, so that the light inside may shine out. This is so beneficial.

As we learn to let go, gradually, we are cleansed. We are always accumulating surface negativity. The more surface negativity we can let go of, the more clearly we may see the deeper negativity. It is a process of letting go, deeper and deeper, cleansing each layer of the self, until the self is revealed. Then we may see that we are nothing, and being nothing, we are everything.
