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Old 06-10-2018, 07:37 AM
Joe Mc Joe Mc is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Originally Posted by Chanine
The thread is here to express our true nature, our minds playground and anything else expressed in creation

Speak from any standpoint..the truth, the mind, love anger and express and we will see what is revealed

From truth comes nothing although the mind and creation comes and goes, when one is the truth there is a silent language of love, contemplate this

Hi this is a piece of writing I wrote this morning in response to you're thread. Hope it isn't too abstract and thank you for allowing me the chance to share in such a fashion. Joe

It didn't seem like a role. My father had been at the Cinema I am told. He heard my cries as he neared my grandmother's house, I had just been born within the hour. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly was the film he had seen. I often wonder looking back at how much of those 3 characteristics I have witnessed and been part of in my life to date ?

Was the theme of this film a kind of prelude to my earthly life which had begun in earnest. That the hero, the king philosopher and bodhisattva would become jesus at some stage of the cycle ? Leap from the walls of Elsinore Castle into Ophelia's arms or start a wave of synchronistic hands above head clapping at a Rolling Stone's Concert ?

Identity is everywhere. When we are not identified with our nationalism or our colour, we are identified with the new Vase that stands on the mantle piece over the fire. The flowers are a little faded but we can change them.

Out of the blue, a new baby is born in Dublin City Ireland. John Paul Satre said that Hell was other people, did he mean that my 8lbs odd had tipped the scales on the evil side ? Was the philosopher French man ever present at an Irish wake ? And yet could we run the film backwards and see me disappearing into non existence with Ennio Morricone's Trumpets disappearing back into the Mexican Deserts Changing to Green pastoral paradises ?

Being born is quite a thing ?
Too much intellectual pride and not enough intellectual beauty

To Thine own Self be True

The Frost performs its secret ministry,Unhelped by any wind. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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