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Old 20-11-2010, 09:43 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Xan
hdizzy... This is why I suggest reading a whole book to learn EFT as questions like these get answered, and you can learn how to be truly successful with it.

But to answer your questions briefly...

There is a lot of variation in how EFT is used,
intuitively and creatively - once you've learned the basic method and how to investigate an issue and all its aspects thoroughly... and the order of the points doesn't really matter.

Venting is not usually a part of EFT although some people like it, but simply using a brief descriptive phrase activates the pattern enough to be released in the mind and energy system. The Movie Technique and Tell The Story which are very effective ways to release memories of how an emotional pattern began with EFT.

Using positive affirmation comes in the first part when you say, "Even though I feel ______ I deeply love and accept myself."

And... after you've cleared an emotional pattern or memory of an event you may wish to go through the acupoint sequence while affirming whatever you want to go ahead into, appropriate to the emotions or problem you are releasing... such as, "I love feeling confident and at ease" or "I choose to feel safe within myself."


Thanks, this has helped
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