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Old 17-08-2017, 07:37 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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There is a similar discussion going on elsewhere (see ASMR when meditating).

There is a system of meditation called Shabd Yoga, the Shabd being the divine Sound current, which is seen as inner Light. There are many sounds which can be heard within, such as tinkling bells, a buzzing sound, a flute, distant rolling thunder. We can tune into these sounds by focusing on the right side of the head.

As you say, these sounds are not heard in the ears. For me, it is not just heard as a sound but also felt as a vibration. It begins in the crown chakra, and then over time descends to fill the head, and then descends further into the heart.

I have only once during intense meditation felt it in the whole body, with the sound vibrating up the entire spine and my chakras felt very aligned.

So, as I suggested to astralwanderer, why not try meditating on the sound and see where it leads.

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