Thread: The Whole
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Old 12-01-2018, 10:50 AM
naturesflow naturesflow is offline
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Originally Posted by Joe Mc
A thought or idea that has been kicking around with me for a couple of years now. I thought i'd write it down.

Life can only be understood as a whole. When we try to squeeze life into something called an individual entity with an individual brain we will definitely come up with answers, connotations, permeations but we cannot expect to have our questions answered concerning deeper matters and if we try to answer our quandaries using the attitude of the single individual brain etc. to experience this wisdom regarding deeper matters expect to be frustrated. We will be lost in the circularity of the ego self with some smidgens of purported freedom thrown in to the search on occasion which keeps the contusion evolving and frustrated. In wholeness there is peace. Real authenticity and uniqueness and individuality contains the whole and is never far from wholeness even when the task to hand seems very worldly. As a man once said to Tiger Woods back in his day, You're never far from the hole !!!

It takes practice to get that hole in one all the same..
If all understood it as a whole, yessiree.

People are all so unique in how they build the whole view through their own abilities, limitations and connections from within, to know this. When you know your wholeness/centre is peaceful and your true nature and you have tools to find it in yourself, regardless of what moves in yourself it all works great .... In saying that, most people even if they know their own wholeness, still go through normal process of life experiences and all its affects upon them, I guess for them they know its a temporary process. I for one had to build the bigger picture to know I was whole and complete, but prior to that a very real perceived disconnection created a totally disconnected view in myself and the process felt like hell on earth that was never ending. If I actually understood the whole and peace before walking through, I think it would have helped greatly. But alas it wasn't to be...
“God’s one and only voice are Silence.” ~ Herman Melville

Man has learned how to challenge both Nature and art to become the incitements to vice! His very cups he has delighted to engrave with libidinous subjects, and he takes pleasure in drinking from vessels of obscene form! Pliny the Elder
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