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Old 03-08-2018, 09:27 AM
Jillity Jillity is offline
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Location: Cornwall, uk
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Half in and half out of the other side

There seems to be a short period of time before someone dies when they are half in and half out of a different world. They seem to see things more clearly, things that the rest of us can't see.

Shortly before my husband was taken into hospital he said he kept seeing things. He kept seeing spirits in the house and he kept seeing our old dog. Mostly these were glimpses but some sightings were for longer. he was very skeptical about this sort of thing and it took a lot for him to admit it. I hadn't said anything to him about it but I had noticed an increase in activity in the house. Usually these things happen when there's going to be an upheaval of some sort. Sadly, just three weeks after being taken ill, the big upheaval came when my husband passed over.

Of course I was devastated but I think for the last few weeks he seemed to be living half in and half out of a different world. He was seeing things in that other world that we can't see. I don't know if this is a common phenomenon as I haven't heard anyone else speak about it before. Perhaps someone on here has had a similar experience. It made me think a lot and I believe now that for some people and some animals their passing is slow and very gentle and happens over a period of days or even weeks. I think our elderly dog passed like this. A week before he died I was driving home when I saw a beautiful double rainbow, almost as I imagine the rainbow bridge to be. A few days later my dog was sleeping when he suddenly awoke and looked up at the stairs expectantly. His tail began to wag and he gave every appearance of seeing someone he knew well. Then he settled down again but after that I noticed a difference in him as if he was somewhere else a lot of the time. Just a few days later he passed over. We were heartbroken.
When Christmas came that year I started thinking about our old dog and I felt very sad. I went to the bedroom window with tears in my eyes and looked up at the sky and there was the beautiful double rainbow. I was as sure as I can be that our old dog had come back to see us and was there with us that day.
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