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Old 22-02-2018, 02:49 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: West Wales. u.k
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Originally Posted by catsquotl
True, but if I were to stick a fork in your upper thigh during dinner.
I wonder if you will feel nothing.. So there may be some nuances to be taken into consideration. At least so long as we seem to be here....

With Love

There is no question that the manifestation feels as though it is here. Its like a hologram operating on all the senses not just vision which our minds are conditioned to believe. Conditioning can apparently be reversed with special training. Unfortunately mine has not been completed yet so sticking a fork in me would be painful:)

The point being made is that no one aspect of the manifestion is more or less here than any other. So to speak of Ego as though its more or less here than any other aspect is misleading. Either way its not an obstacle to ending the feeling of disconnection for it is already Oneness manifest so can just be left to get on with its job of protecting us from rejection. Its why we present different character aspects in varying situations depending on how we percieve whats going on, and threat levels. A helpful tool to have which we discard at our peril.
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