Thread: Ascension
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Old 08-08-2017, 07:45 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I do understand what you mean, there's a lot of bad stuff that goes on in the world. But there are some times in my life where I have felt bliss and I always keep in mind a line from a Christmas Carol "When happiness shows up, always give it a comfortable seat."
Every chance i get there's a comfortable seat waiting for it. There's so much I've come to terms with, including my own and my perceptions of other people's 'bad stuff' so it's not all doom and gloom. There's a very real and deep peace going on and it feels the best thing since...

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I hope so, I've been at this for just over a year now. I sometimes wonder how I've managed to keep down a full time job, as well as trying to keep fit, run the house and everything else.
The Universe never gives us any more than we can handle if that's any consolation, and the fact that you're handling it says a lot about you. Sometimes all the other stuff we go through is a distraction that helps us cope. After all that you're still around to tell the tale so take some comfort in that at least.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I find this numerology fascinating; I wasn't aware of it until I joined this forum and saw people discussing it. It then started with the 11:11, a fairly common one but it took many goes for me to start noticing it. I remember thinking something's going on when I went into town for a few hours and my parking ticket ended at 11:11. That's the first time I took to the net and realised what it was. Then came the 2 sequences. 222 comments on something, 2.22 am etc. Then the 3's. Even the mileage counter on my car was joining in with 133333 miles. That happened at the time I started calling on ascended master Jesus to help with the healing energy. And then the 5;s. Waking at 5.55 am twice on a row, getting into deep conversations with someone at 15:55, two items I bought on the same day both coming to exactly £55.000.

Curiously, I seem to have missed out on the 4s. Anyway, it's settled down a bit now because I think they've hammered home that they can contact me and give me a relevant message via this method. It's all very interesting.

I'm always still waiting for the 'black and white' situation to reveal itself.

Thanks Greenslade, for the encouragement and for speaking my kind of language!

To be honest numbers leave me cold so they wouldn't work for me, but the synchronicities are becoming a little more 'interactive'. While at work I was thinking about what you were saying about bliss, and I remembered reading an article in the paper ages ago but couldn't remember the name of the stuff. At break time I was sitting reading the paper and there it was - tryptophan. So, if you're going to bliss our eat lots of turkey and chicken sandwiches because they're rich in tryptophan which bolsters the production of seratonin, the 'happy hormone'. I find that if I have something on my mind I'll find a YouTube or a Facebook post with the answer without even thinking about it. It's even more fun when they talk to you in your head, that takes a little getting used to.

If they've missed out the 4s then maybe it's for you to think about - sometimes no message is the message. Initially I thought it was strange but considering what the number four represents it makes so much sense.

And you did know the whole Universe is not a 'black and white' situation. Your numbers are coming in threes, emphasis on the threes with your mileage. Black and white, light and dark, good and evil..... Duality. It's about threes - everything; this, that and both are the trinity. Black and white gives you the contrast (not opposition) to realise the third one. Similarly you and your interactions with Spirit, always a third or a three. Us talking... That gives you fifth-dimensional consciousness.

The other possibility is that your black-and-white are floor tiles, in which case that would be interesting indeed.

You're very welcome, Partycia, and y'know, it's great to be able to talk a 'real' language for a change.
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